東北大学大学院薬学研究科 東北大学薬学部 | Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University

Molecular Biopharmacy and Genetics / Cellular Signaling

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Research Projects

Mechanism of DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination in eukaryotic cells
Genetic Diseases Defective in DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination (Bloom Syndrome, Werner Syndrome and Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome)
Regulatory Mechanism of Cell Growth and Initiation of DNA Replication
Formation and Maintenance of Nuclear and Intranuclear Structures


Dr. Toshifumi Inada Professor
Dr. Yoshitaka Matsuo Assistant Professor
Dr. Tsuyoshi Udagawa Assistant Professor

Contact Us

Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tohoku University Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578, JAPAN

TEL : +81-22-795-6874, 6875, or 6876
FAX : +81-22-795-6873

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