Site-selective aromatic C-H λ3-iodanation with cyclic iodine(III) electrophile in solution and solid phases


An efficient and site-selective aromatic C-H lambda(3)-iodanation reaction is achieved using benziodoxole triflate (BXT) as an electrophile under room temperature conditions. The reaction tolerates a variety of electron-rich arenes and heteroarenes to afford the corresponding arylbenziodoxoles in moderate to good yields. The reaction can also be performed mechanochemically by grinding a mixture of solid arenes and BXT under solvent-free conditions. The arylbenziodoxoles can be used for various C-C and C-heteroatom bond formations, and are also amenable to further modification by electrophilic halogenation. DFT calculations suggested that the present reaction proceedsviaa concerted lambda(3)-iodanation-deprotonation transition state, where the triflate anion acts as an internal base.

Ding, W.; Wang, C.; Tan, J. R.; Ho, C. C.; León, F.; García, F.; Yoshikai, N. Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 7356-7361