Fluorobenziodoxole-BF3 Reagent for Iodo(III)etherification of Alkynes in Ethereal Solvent


A combination of fluorobenziodoxole (FBX) and BF3 . OEt(2)in cyclopentyl methyl ether promotes regio- and stereoselective addition of benziodoxole and methoxy groups to alkynes. This difunctionalization reaction tolerates a variety of functionalized internal and terminal alkynes to affordtrans-beta-alkoxyvinylbenziodoxoles, which represent versatile precursors to stereochemically well-defined multisubstituted vinyl ethers. The reaction is proposed to involve cleavage of the I-F bond of FBX by BF3, followed by electrophilic activation of the alkyne by the resulting cationic I(III)species that triggers the nucleophilic addition of the ethereal oxygen.

Chai, J.; Ding, W.; Wu, J.; Yoshikai, N. Chem. Asian J. 2020, 15, 2166-2169.