A Highly Modular One-Pot Multicomponent Approach to Functionalized Benzo[b]phosphole Derivative


Benzo[b]phosphole derivatives have attracted significant attention for their unique optoelectronic properties with potential for application in materials science. Herein we report a modular approach to a benzo[b]phosphole derivative based on a one-pot sequential coupling of an arylzinc reagent, an alkyne, dichlorophenylphosphine (or phosphorus trichloride and a Grignard reagent), and an oxidant (for example H2O2, S, or Se). The approach allows for the construction of a library of previously inaccessible, structurally diverse benzo[b]phosphole derivatives with unprecedented ease.

Wu, B.; Santra, M.; Yoshikai, N. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 7543-7546.