[Iron-Catalyzed Directed C2-Alkylation and Alkenylation of Indole with Vinylarenes and Alkynes


An iron−N-heterocyclic carbene catalyst generated from an iron(III) salt, an imidazolinium salt, and a Grignard reagent promotes alkylation and alkenylation reactions at the indole C2-position with vinylarenes and internal alkynes, respectively, via imine-directed C−H activation. The former reaction affords 1,1-diarylalkane derivatives with exclusive regioselectivity. Deuterium-labeling experiments suggest that these reactions involve oxidative addition of the C−H bond to the iron center, insertion of the unsaturated bond into the Fe−H bond, and C−C reductive elimination.

Wong, M. Y.; Yamakawa, T.; Yoshikai, N. Org. Lett. 2015, 17, 442-445.