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血液脳関門研究は、19世紀末Paul Ehrlichがウサギの血管内に色素を注射したことに始まります。当時、目新しい色素を使って彼は多くの組織を染色し、その成果を学位論文にまとめました。残念ながら、その後、Ehrlich博士は別の研究領域へ興味が向いてしまい、30年もの間、血液脳関門研究は眠ったままでした。その後、電子顕微鏡など多くの技術開発と共に血液脳関門の研究は少しずつ進歩してきました。100年を越える長い歴史を有していますが、血液脳関門の働きはまだまだ解明されていない部分を多く残しています。2004年はEhrlich博士の生誕150周年の記念の年であり、国際会議がドイツで開催されました。彼が研究を続けていたら、血液脳関門の働きは今日、もっと多くのことが分かっていたのではないでしょうか?

血液脳関門研究が遅れている原因は、その課題の困難さが挙げられます。しかし、研究基盤技術の開発が遅れたことも原因であると思います。欧米発の実験技術や関連分野の手法を導入するだけでは、真に革新的な研究を行うことができないと思います。私たちが、これまでに開発したBrain Efflux Index法と条件的不死化脳毛細血管内皮細胞株は、各々、血液脳関門排出機能を解析する唯一の手法として、血液脳関門の最良のin vitro modelとして、評価されています。手法開発の成果は「何かを明らかにした」訳ではないので、論文としてその価値を認めてもらうことが難しく、これまで非常に苦労しました。しかし、これらの手法を用いて、多くの未知の課題が明らかになりつつあります。今後、血液脳関門の重要な機能の全容を明らかにするには、現在の手法では限界があります。そこで、私達の研究室では現在も新しい基盤技術開発に取り組んでいます。熱意溢れる若いスタッフと学生諸君が、日夜弛まぬ努力で取り組んでいます。


循環血液中と脳内の物質交換は、血液脳関門が厳密に制御しています。私達の研究室では、この分子機構を明らかにし、薬物(蛋白・遺伝子)の脳へ移行を容易にするルートを見つけることを目標としてきました。血液脳関門輸送担体の内因性の基質を解明し生理機能を明らかにすることは、輸送担体の競合阻害などの安全性を把握する上で重要です。これまで私達の研究室では、血液脳関門の輸送機能を主として内因性物質をプローブとして解析してきました。神経科学の視点で血液脳関門の働きを明らかにすることで、薬剤学、薬物動態学など薬学関連の学問領域をより活性化し、新しい方向へと発展させたいという気持ちです。実際、私たちの開発した血液脳関門in vitro modelは世界10カ国80名以上の研究者から依頼されて細胞を供与し、共同研究を行っています。

これまで、細胞膜タンパク質のように疎水性タンパク質を定量した報告は全くありませんでした。輸送担体、受容体、酵素など薬物動態や薬効と毒性を左右する重要な働きを持つタンパク質の絶対発現量を測定することは、in vitroとin vivo、動物とヒト、加齢、性、人種、疾患などによる機能の違いを解明・予測する上で必須の課題であると考えています。最近、私たちの研究室では、質量分析装置を用いて細胞膜タンパク質の絶対定量法を開発することに成功しました(Pharm. Res., E-pub Jan. 25, 2008)。この手法を用いて、マウスの血液脳関門、肝臓、腎臓に発現する主要な輸送担体の絶対発現量を報告しました。今後は、in vivoでのヒトとマウスの輸送機能の違いをこの担体タンパク質の発現量の違いとして定量的に明らかにする計画です。その先には、疾患時の変動解析です。薬剤感受性の違いを機能性タンパク質の絶対定量プロファイル解析に基づいて解明することで、薬剤耐性など難治性の重篤疾患の薬物療法へ新しい突破口を開いていきたいと考えています。疾患には、これまで取り組んできたアルツハイマー病関連の血液脳関門輸送機能を中心にさまざまな腫瘍も含めていきたいと考えています。これらの独自の研究手法を駆使して、Pharmacoproteomics (Quantitative Proteomics based Pharmacokinetics)の新しい学問体系を構築していきたいと考えています。また、それらの一部については、実用化を目指して発展させていきたいと考えています。今後、数年間、面白い新しい知見を数多く報告できることを願っています。 






1977年3月 金沢大学薬学部製薬化学科卒業(薬学士)(指導:山名月中教授)
1979年3月 金沢大学大学院薬学研究科修士課程修了(薬学修士)(指導:山名月中教授)
1982年3月 東京大学大学院薬学系研究科博士課程修了(薬学博士)(指導:花野学教授)



1982年 4月  金沢大学助手(薬学部)(辻彰教授研究室)
1985年 4月  金沢大学講師(薬学部)(辻彰教授研究室)
1985年 7月  文部省在外研究員及びカリフォルニア大学客員研究員(William M. Pardridge教授研究室)(米国カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校医学部内分泌学教室、及び同脳研究所にて研究に従事)
1990年 4月  金沢大学助教授(薬学部)(辻彰教授研究室)
1992年10月  東京大学助教授(薬学部)(杉山雄一教授研究室)
1996年 4月  東北大学教授(薬学部)
1998年 5月  東北大学教授(未来科学技術共同研究センター)兼務
1999年 4月  東北大学大学院教授(薬学研究科)配置換
1999年 7月  東北大学教授(未来科学技術共同研究センター)配置換
1999年 7月  東北大学大学院教授(大学院薬学研究科)兼務
2006年 4月〜 東北大学大学院教授(大学院薬学研究科)専任、配置換
2006年11月  東北大学総長特任補佐 総長室
2008年 4月    東北大学大学院薬学研究科 副研究科長
2008年 4月   東北大学薬学部 副学部長
2008年 4月  東北大学ディスティングイッシュト プロフェッサー
2010年 4月〜 東北大学大学院医学研究科教授(併任)
2011年10月    東北大学ディスティングイッシュト プロフェッサー
2011年10月〜 日本学術会議連携会員
2012年4月〜  城西大学特任教授
2012年12月〜 東北メディカル・メガバンク機構教授(併任)
2013年10月   北海道大学大学院生命科学院非常勤講師
2015年4月〜  東北大学ディスティングイッシュト・プロフェッサー


1998年11月 科学技術振興事業団 戦略的基礎研究推進事業「脳を守る」研究領域代表(Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology, CREST)
2003年12月 科学技術振興機構 基礎的研究発展推進事業「発展継続課題」研究代表(Solution-Oriented Research for Science and Technology, SORST)


  1. 1985年2月 Ebert Prize(年間最優秀学術論文賞)American Pharmaceutical Association, 1985 受賞対象論文 (T. Terasaki, T. Iga, Y. Sugiyama and M. Hanano, Pharmacokinetic study on the mechanism of tissue distribution of doxorubicin: Interorgan and interspecies variation of tissue-to-plasma partition coefficients in rats, rabbits and guinea pigs. J. Pharm. Sci., 73: 1359-1363 (1984).)
  2. 1991年 9月 日本薬物動態学会奨励賞。受賞研究(薬物動態、7, 643-652 (1992))
  3. 1992年3月 日本薬学会奨励賞。受賞研究(薬学雑誌、112, 887-905 (1992))
  4. 1994年5月 富山県未来財団富山賞(学術研究部門)。 受賞研究「薬物の組織分布に関する機構論的研究」
  5. 1996年10月 1996 Meritorious Manuscript Award(年間最優秀学術論文賞) from American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 1996。 受賞論文 (A. Tsuji, H. Takanaga, I. Tamai, T. Terasaki, Transcellular transport of benzoic acid across Caco-2 cells by a pH-dependent and carrier-mediated transport mechanism. Pharm. Res., 11: 30-37 (1994).)
  6. 2004年11月 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) Fellow "A distinguished contributor and acknowledged leader in the advancement of the pharmaceutical sciences"
  7. 2005年6月 6th Cerebral Vascular Biology 2005, (Muenster, Germany) からPoster Award受賞
  8. 2007年 5月 日本薬剤学会賞 受賞研究「血液脳関門機能と薬物の体内分布」
  9. 2007年10月 日本薬物動態学会賞 受賞研究「脳関門輸送研究の新技術開発と脳支援防御機構解明」
  10. 2008年2月 第9回バイオビジネスコンペJAPAN奨励賞「オン・ディマンド型たんぱく質定量キット」
  11. 2010年11月 2010 Pharmaceutical Research Meritorious Manuscript Award(米国薬学会(AAPS)年間最優秀学術論文賞) from American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 受賞論文 (J. Kamiie, S. Ohtsuki, R. Iwase, K. Ohmine, Y. Katsukura, K. Yanai, Y. Sekine, Y. Uchida, S. Ito, T. Terasaki, Quantitative atlas of membrane transporter proteins: Development and application of a highly sensitive simultaneous LC/MS/MS method combined with novel in-silico peptide selection criteria. Pharm. Res., 25: 1469-1483 (2008))
  12. 2013年4月29日 紫綬褒章 「医療系薬学に関する研究に務めて優れた業績を挙げ学術の進歩に寄与」
  13. 2014年3月27日 日本薬学会賞 受賞研究「血液脳関門研究の新規手法の開発と輸送機能解明への応用」
  14. 2016年11月18日 Highly Cited Researchers 2016 (Pharmacology & Toxicology領域)Clarivate Analytics(旧Thomson Reuters)社が論文動向分析データベースInCitesTM Essential Science IndicatorsTM および論文検索・引用索引データベースWeb of ScienceTM Core Collection を用いた分析によって選出した「世界で最も高い影響力を持つ科学者(3087名の一人)」
  15. 2017年10月18日 The inaugural Allen J. Sedman Lecture Award in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of Michigan College of Pharmacy (初代受賞者)
  16. 2018年5月12日 国際薬物動態学会(ISSX, International Society for the Study of Xenbiotics)からAsia Pacific Scientific Achievement Awardを受賞



日本薬学会、日本薬物動態学会(評議員平成7年11月ー)、日本薬剤学会(評議員平成8年4月ー)、日本DDS学会、American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist、International Brain Barrier Society, International Society of Study on Xenobiotics

国際学会誌Editor (現在)

  1. Journal of Pharmaceutical Science (Associate Editor, 2008-, Editor, 2011~ ) (An Official Journal of American Pharmacist Association and International Pharmaceutical Federal. Printed in the USA)
  2. Journal of Neurochemistry (Handling Editor, Editorial Advisory Board, 2009-) (An Official Journal of The International Society for Neurochemsitry)

国際学会誌Editorial Board Member (現在)

  1. Journal of Drug Targeting (Editorial Advisory Board , 2000~ )
  2. (An International Forum on Drug Delivery and Targeting. Printed in the UK, informa healthcare)
  3. Advanced Drug Delivery Review (Editorial Advisory Board, 2004~ ) (An international journal focusing on current and emerging aspects of research on the design and development of advanced drug delivery systems and their applications in experimental and clinical therapeutics, Printed in the UK, Elsevier)
  4. Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition (Editorial Advisory Board, 2006~ ) (This journal publishes original reports and review articles of stidies on biopharmaceutics, drug disposition, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, especially those which have a direct relation to the therapeutic use of drugs. Printed in the UK, John Wiley & Sons)
  5. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS (Honorary Advisor, Aug. 2013- )

Editor (過去)

  1. Guest Editor of "Journal of Pharmaceutical Science(Volum 102: issue 9, Dedicated for Professor Leslie Benet, (2014))”
  2. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS(Editor-in-Chief, January 2011~Aug. 2013)
  3. Pharmaceutical Research  (Consulting Editor, 2006~2007 )  (An Official Journal of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Printed in the USA. Springer)
  4. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin(Associate Editor, 2002~2005 ) (An Official Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. Printed in Japan)
  5. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics(Associate Editor, 2001~2005 ) (An Official Journal of Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics. Printed in Japan)
  6. Guest Editor of "Journal of Drug Targeting  Vol. 8, issue 6, 2000" Co-edit with William M. Pardridge, (Special Issue: Targeted Drug Delivery to the Brain, Printed by the Alden Group, Oxford, UK. Harwood Academic Publishers)
  7. Cerebrospinal Fluid Research (Editor-in-Chief, September-December 2010)
  8. Guest Editor of "Journal of Pharmaceutical Science (Volum 100: issue 9, Dedicated for Professor Akira Tsuji, (2012))”

Editorial Advaisory Board (過去)

  1. Pharmaceutical Research  (Editorial Advisory Board , 2001~2005) (An Official Journal of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. Printed in the USA. Springer)
  2. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics(Editorial Advisory Board, 2001~2003)(This Journal is devoted to illustrating the importance of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacometrics in the understanding of drug action, therapy, design, development, and evaluation. Printed in Great Britain, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers))
  3. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (Editorial Advisory Board, 2006) (An Official Journal of Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics. Printed in Japan, Komiyama Printing)
  4. Journal of Pharmaceutical Science (Editorial Advisory Board, 2002~2007) (An Officail Journal of American Pharmacist Association and International Pharmaceutical Federal. Printed in the USA)


  1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA
  2. Journal of Neurochemistry
  3. Antimicrobiological Agents and Chemotherapy
  4. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
  5. Life Sciences
  6. Neuroscience Research
  7. Pharmaceutical Research
  8. Biochemical Pharmacology
  9. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  10. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  11. Journal of Controlled Release
  12. Journal of Drug Targeting
  13. International Journal of Pharmaceutics
  14. Biological Pharmaceutical Bulletin
  15. Xenobiotic Metabolism and Disposition
  16. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
  17. Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition
  18. NeuroToxicology
  19. Drug Discovery Today
  20. Glia
  21. Brain Research
  22. Current Pharmaceutical Design
  23. Biochim. Biophys. Acta
  24. Peptide


ResearcherID (by Thomson Reuters): K-6730-2012
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6332-7575
Scopus Author ID:  7102734642


Total citation number is 12,586 until November 1, 2018. (Web of Science)
h-index is 61.


  1. Molecular pharmacology of the blood-brain barrier transporter and tight junction protein
  2. The transport mechanism of the blood-retinal barrier
  3. Development of quantitative analysis of membrane protein
  4. Quantitative Targeted Absolute Proteomics (QTAP) of functional proteins
  5. Pharmacoproteomics (QTAP based pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, clinical pharmacology and Therapeutics)
  6. Drug delivery to the brain
  7. Physiological pharmacokinetics of drug distribution in the brain and peripheral organs



  1. 2004年 (You Tube) 「サイエンスフロンティア21」(5)脳の防衛網を探る
  2. 2011年 (You Tube) 「東北大学の新世紀 異分野クロスセッション」 脳関門研究の歴史と未来予測
  3. 2011年 (You Tube) A leading Japanese pharmaceutical scientist talks about advancing drug discovery & development
  4. 2015年 (You Tube) 「東北大学サイエンスカフェ」 第110回 身体の中の薬の運命:よく効く薬の鍵を握る仕組み
  5. Wikipedia(寺崎哲也)
  6. 夢ナビ インタビュー (大学進学を目指す高校生への動画メッセージ付)
  7. Top Researchers



1.Top1%内にランクされた論文(Scopus) (いずれも東北大学着任後の業績)

FWCI (Field-Weighted Citation Impact)   2018年11月1日現在

  1. FWCI: 21.08、被引用225回
    Ohtsuki S, Schaefer O, Kawakami H, Inoue T, Liehner S, Sato A, Ishiguro N, Kishimoto W, Ludwig-Schwellinger E, Ebner T, and Terasaki T., Simultaneous absolute protein quantification of transporters, Cytochrome P450s and UDP-glucuronosyltransferases as a novel approach for the characterization of individual human liver: Comparison with mRNA levels and activities. Drug Metab. Dispos., 40(1):83-92 (2012)..
  2. FWCI: 12.56、被引用335回
    Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Katsukura Y, Ikeda C, Suzuki T, Kamiie J, Terasaki T., Quantitative targeted absolute proteomics of human blood-brain barrier transporters and receptors. J Neurochem., 117(2): 333-345 (2011).
  3. FWCI: 10.27、被引用305回
    J. Kamiie, S. Ohtsuki, R. Iwase, K. Ohmine, Y. Katsukura, K. Yanai, Y. Sekine, Y. Uchida, S. Ito, T. Terasaki, Quantitative atlas of membrane transporter proteins: Development and application of a highly sensitive simultaneous LC/MS/MS method combined with novel in-silico peptide selection criteria. Pharm. Res., 25: 1469-1483 (2008). (Selected for 2010 AAPS Meritorious Manuscript Award for the Outstanding Paper).
  4. FWCI: 9.73、被引用174回
    Shawahna R, Uchida Y, Decleves X, Ohtsuki S, Yousif S, Dauchy S, Jacob A, Chassoux F, Daumas C, Couraud PO, Terasaki T, Scherrmann JM., Transcriptomic and quantitative proteomic analysis of transporters and drug metabolizing enzymes in freshly isolated human brain microvessels. Mol. Pharm., 8(4): 1332-1341 (2011)..
  5. FWCI: 9.50、被引用95回
    Schaefer O, Ohtsuki S, Kawakami H, Inoue T, Liehner S, Saito A, Sakamoto A, Ishiguro N, Matsumaru T, Terasaki T, Ebner T., Absolute quantitation and differential expression of drug transporters, Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases in cultured primary human hepatocytes. Drug Metab. Dispos., 40(1):93-103 (2012)..
  6. FWCI: 8.03、被引用86回
    Ohtsuki S, Ikeda C, Uchida Y, Sakamoto Y, Miller F, Glacial F, Decleves X, Scherrmann JM, Couraud PO, Kubo Y, Tachikawa M, Terasaki T., Quantitative targeted absolute proteomic analysis of transporters, receptors and junction proteins for validation of human cerebral microvascular endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3 as a human blood-brain barrier model. Mol Pharm., 10(1): 289-296 (2013).
  7. FWCI: 6.07、被引用278回
    P. Garberg, M. Ball, N. Borg, R. Cecchelli, L. Fenart, RD Hurst, T. Lindmark, A. Mabondzo, JE Nilsson, TJ Raub, D Stanimirovic, T. Terasaki, JO Oberg, T. Osterberg, In vitro models for the blood-brain barrier. Toxicol In Vitro, 19: 299-334 (2005)..

2.Top 10% 内にランクされた論文など(Scopus)

[被引用回数、FWCI, (100-X)%]

Original Article

  1. T. Terasaki, T. Iga, Y. Sugiyama and M. Hanano, Experimental evidence of characteristic tissue distribution of adriamycin. Tissue DNA concentration as a determinant. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 34: 597-600 (1982). [46, 92%] (博士論文の一部)
  2. A. Tsuji, T. Yoshikawa, K. Nishide, H. Minami, M. Kimura, E. Nakashima, T. Terasaki, E. Miyamoto, C. H. Nightingale and T. Yamana, Physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for beta-lactam antibiotics I: Tissue distribution and elimination in rats. J. Pharm. Sci., 72: 1239-1252 (1983).[133, 96%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  3. T. Terasaki, T. Iga, Y. Sugiyama and M. Hanano, Pharmacokinetic study on the mechanism of tissue distribution of doxorubicin: Interorgan and interspecies variation of tissue-to-plasma partition coefficients in rats, rabbits and guinea pigs. J. Pharm. Sci., 73: 1359-1363 (1984). (Awarded the Ebert prize from the American Pharmaceutical Association as the most outstanding paper in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Science for 1984) [67, 90%] (博士論文の主論文)
  4. A. Tsuji, T. Terasaki, I. Tamai and H. Hirooka, H+ gradient-dependent and carrier-mediated transport of cefixime, a new cephalosporin antibiotic, across brush-border membrane vesicles from rat small intestine. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 241: 594-601 (1987). [111, 97%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  5. T. Terasaki and W.M. Pardridge, Restricted transport of 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine and dideoxynucleosides through the blood-brain barrier. J. Infect. Dis., 158: 630-632 (1988). [95, 95%] (留学時の業績).
  6. T. Terasaki, K. Hirai, H. Sato, Y.S. Kang and A. Tsuji, Absorptive-mediated endocytosis of a dynorphin-like analgesic peptide, E-2078, into the blood-brain barrier. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 251: 351-357 (1989). [81, 93%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  7. A. Tsuji, M.T. Simanjuntak, I. Tamai and T. Terasaki, pH-dependent inestinal transport of monocarboxylic acids: carrier-mediated and H+-cotransport mechanism versus pH-partition hypothesis. J. Pharm. Sci., 79: 1123-1124 (1990) [24, 92%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  8. T. Terasaki, Y. Deguchi, H. Sato, K. Hirai and A. Tsuji, In vivo transport of a dynorphin-like analgesic peptide, E-2078, through the blood-brain barrier: An application of brain microdialysis. Pharm. Res., 8: 815-820 (1991). [56, 90%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  9. T. Terasaki, S. Takakuwa, S. Moritani and A. Tsuji, Transport of monocarboxylic acids at the blood-brain barrier: Studies with monolayers of primary cultured bovine brain capillary endothelial cells. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 258: 932-937 (1991). [85, 93%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  10. A. Tsuji, T. Terasaki, Y. Takabatake, Y. Tenda, I. Tamai, T. Yamashima, S. Moritani, T. Tsuruo and J. Yamashita, P-Glycoprotein as the drug efflux pump in primary cultured bovine brain capillary endothelial cells. Life Sci., 51: 1427-1437 (1992). [270, 98%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  11. A. Tsuji, I. Tamai, A. Sakata, Y. Tenda, T. Terasaki, Restricted transport of cyclosporin A across the blood-brain barrier by a multidrug transporter, P-glycoprotein. Biochem. Pharmacol., 46: 1096-1099 (1993). [146, 97%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  12. A. Tsuji, A. Saheki, I. Tamai, T. Terasaki, Transport mechanism of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutary coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors at the blood-brain barrier. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 267: 1085-1090 (1993). [95, 94%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  13. A. Tsuji, H. Takanaga, I. Tamai, T. Terasaki, Transcellular transport of benzoic acid across Caco-2 cells by the pH-dependent and carrier-mediated transport mechanism rather than the passive diffusion according to pH-partition hypothesis. Pharm. Res., 11: 30-37 (1994). (Awarded as 1996 AAPS Meritorious Manuscript Award for the Outstanding Paper) [142, 97%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  14. A. Saheki, T. Terasaki, I. Tamai, A. Tsuji, In vivo and in vitro blood-brain barrier transport of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors. Pharm. Res., 11: 305-311 (1994). [174, 98%](金沢大学在職中の業績)
  15. A. Kakee, T. Terasaki and Y. Sugiyama, Brain efflux index as a novel method of analyzing efflux transport at the blood-brain barrier. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 277: 1550-1559 (1996). [183, 3.73, 98%] (東京大学在職中の業績)
  16. K. Takasawa, T. Terasaki, H. Suzuki and Y. Sugiyama, In vivo evidence for carrier-mediated efflux transport of 3'azido-3'-deoxythymidine and 2',3'-dideoxyinosine across the blood-brain barrier via a probenecid-sensitive transport system. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 281: 369-375 (1997). [90, 5.43, 93%](東京大学在職中の業績)
  17. H. Kusuhara, H.Suzuki, T. Terasaki, A.Kakee, L.Lemaire and Y. Sugiyama, P-glycoprotein mediates the efflux of quinidine across the blood-brain barrier. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 283: 574-580 (1997). [113, 2.72, 95%](東京大学在職中の業績)
  18. (以降、東北大学着任後の業績)
    H. Asaba, K. Hosoya, H. Takanaga, S. Ohtsuki, E. Tamura, T. Takizawa and T. Terasaki, Blood-brain barrier is involved in the efflux transport of a neuroactive steroid, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, via organic anion transporting polypeptide 2. J. Neurochem., 75: 1907-1916 (2000) [113, 3.08, 92%]
  19. K. Hosoya, T. Takashima, K. Tetsuka, T. Nagura, S. Ohtsuki, H. Takanaga, M. Ueda, N. Yanai, M. Obinata, T. Terasaki, mRNA expression and transport characterization of conditionally immortalized rat brain capillary endothelial cell lines; A new in vitro BBB model for drug targeting. J. Drug Target., 8: 357-370 (2000) [80, 6.33, 90%]
  20. K. Hosoya, M. Tomi, S. Ohtsuki, H. Takanaga, N. Ueda, N. Yanai, M. Obinata and T. Terasaki, Conditionally immortalized retianl capillary endothelial cell lines (TR-iBRB) expressing differentiated endothelial cell functions derived from a transgenic rat harboring the temperature-sensitive SV 40 large T-antigen gene. Exp. Eye Res., 72: 163-172 (2001). [124, 2.97, 97%]
  21. S. Ohtsuki, H. Asaba, H. Takanaga, T. Deguchi, K. Hosoya, M. Otagiri, T. Terasaki, Role of blood-brain barrier organic anion transporter 3 (OAT3) in the efflux of indoxyl sulfate, a uremic toxin: Its involvement in neurotransmitter metabolite clearance from the brain. J. Neurochem., 83: 57-66 (2002) [124, 3.20, 94%]
  22. S. Ohtsuki, M. Tachikawa, H. Takanaga, H. Shimizu, M. Watanabe, K. Hosoya and T. Terasaki, The blood-brain barrier creatine transporter is a major pathway for supplying creatine to the brain. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab., 22: 1327-1335 (2002). [121, 2.24, 92%]
  23. S. Mori, H. Takanaga, S. Ohtsuki, T. Deguchi, Y.S. Kang, K. Hosoya, T. Terasaki, Rat organic anion transporter 3 (rOAT3) is responsible for brain-to-blood efflux of homovanilic acid at the abluminal membrane of brain capillary endothelial cells. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metabol., 23: 432-440 (2003). [121, 4.22, 93%]
  24. S. Hori, S. Ohtsuki, K. Hosoya, E. Nakashima, T. Terasaki, A pericyte-derived angiopoietin-1 multimeric complex induces occludin gene expression in brain capillary endothelial cells through Tie-2 activation in vitro. J. Neurochem., 89: 503-513 (2004). [198, 4.20, 98%]
  25. S. Hori, S. Ohtsuki, M. Tachikawa, N. Kimura, T. Kondo, M. Watanabe, E. Nakashima and T. Terasaki, Functional expression of rat ABCG2 on the luminal side of brain capillaries and its enhancement by astrocyte-derived soluble factor(s). J. Neurochem., 90: 526-536 (2004). [107, 2.80, 93%]
  26. M. Tachikawa, M. Fukaya, T. Terasaki, S. Ohtsuki, M. Watanabe, Distinct cellular expressions of creatine synthetic enzyme GAMT and creatine kinases uCK-Mi and CK-B suggest novel neuron-glial relationship for brain energy homeostasis. Eur. J. Neurosci., 20: 144-160 (2004). [118, 1.96, 91%]
  27. W. Pan, AJ. Kastin, TC Zankel, P. Van Kerkhof, T. Terasaki, G.Bu, Efficient transfer of receptor-associated protein (RAP) across the blood-brain barrier. J Cell Sci. 117:5071-8. (2004). [99, 1.24, 91%].
  28. M. Tachikawa, M. Watanabe, S. Hori, M. Fukaya, S. Ohtsuki, T. Asashima, T. Terasaki, Distinct spatio-temporal expression of ABCA and ABCG transporters in the developing and adult mouse brain. J. Neurochem. 95: 294-304 (2005). [93, 2.63, 92%]
  29. S. Ohtsuki, S. Sato, H. Yamaguchi, M. Kamoi, T. Asashima, T. Terasaki, Exogenous expression of claudin-5 induced barrier property of cultures rat brain capillary endothelial cells. J. Cell. Physiol., 210: 81-86 (2007). [88, 2.66, 92%]
  30. N. Perriere, S. Yousif, S. Cazaubon, N. Chaverot, F. Bourasset, S. Cisternino, X. Decleves, S. Hori, T. Terasaki, M. Deli, J.M. Scherrmann, J. Temsamani, F. Roux, P.O. Couraud, A functional in vitro model of rat blood-brain barrier for molecular analysis of efflux transporters. Brain Res., 1150: 1-13 (2007). [105, 2.50, 95%].
  31. C. Tamaki, S. Ohtsuki, T. Terasaki: Insulin facilitates the hepatic clearance of plasma amyloid beta-peptide (1-40) by intracellular translocation of LRP-1 to the plasma membrane in hepatocytes. Mol.Pharmacol., 72(4):850-855 (2007). [63, 1.92, 90%]
  32. EC. Leal, A. Manivannan, K. Hosoya, T. Terasaki, J. Cunha-Vaz, AF. Ambrosio, JV. Forrester, Inducible nitric oxide synthase isoform is a key mediator of leukostasis and blood-retinal barrier breakdown in diabetic retinopathy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 48(11):5257-65 (2007). [162, 5.72, 97%].
  33. T. Okura, A. Hattori, Y. Takano, T. Sato, M. Hammarlund-Udenaes, T. Terasaki, Y. Deguchi, Involvement of the Pyrilamine Transporter, a Putative Organic Cation Transporter, in Blood-Brain Barrier Transport of Oxycodone. Drug Metab Dispos., 36(10):2005-2013 (2008). [96, 2.94, 96%].
  34. Perrone L, Devi TS, Hosoya K, T. Terasaki, Singh LP., Thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP) induces inflammation through chromatin modification in retinal capillary endothelial cells under diabetic conditions. J Cell Physiol., 221(1):262-272 (2009). [130, 3.76, 97%].
  35. Toyohara T, Suzuki T, Morimoto R, Akiyama Y, Souma T, Shiwaku HO, Takeuchi Y, Mishima E, Abe M, Tanemoto M, Masuda S, Kawano H, Maemura K, Nakayama M, Sato H, Mikkaichi T, Yamaguchi H, Fukui S, Fukumoto Y, Shimokawa H, Inui K, T. Terasaki, Goto J, Ito S, Hishinuma T, Rubera I, Tauc M, Fujii-Kuriyama Y, Yabuuchi H, Moriyama Y, Soga T, Abe T, SLCO4C1 transporter eliminates uremic toxins and attenuates hypertension and renal inflammation. J Am Soc Nephrol., 20 (12): 2546 - 2455 (2009) [71, 2.86, 93%].
  36. Sano Y, Shimizu F, Abe M, Maeda T, Kashiwamura Y, Ohtsuki S, T. Terasaki, Obinata M, Kajiwara K, Fujii M, Suzuki M, Kanda T., Establishment of a new conditionally immortalized human brain microvascular endothelial cell line retaining an in vivo blood-brain barrier function. J Cell Physiol., 225: 519?528 (2010). [74, 2.68, 93%]
  37. Kawakami H, Ohtsuki S, Kamiie J, Suzuki T, Abe T, T. Terasaki, Simultaneous absolute quantification of 11 cytochrome P450 isoforms in human liver microsomes by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with in silico target peptide selection. J. Pharm. Sci., 100: 341-352 (2011). [91, 7.92, 96%]
  38. Shimizu F, Sano Y, Abe MA, Maeda T, Ohtsuki S, T. Terasaki, Kanda T., Peripheral nerve pericytes modify the blood-nerve barrier function and tight junctional molecules through the secretion of various soluble factors. J Cell Physiol., 226: 255-266 (2011). [57, 3.55, 91%]
  39. Ito K, Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Aizawa S, Kawakami H, Katsukura Y, Kamiie J,T. Terasaki, Quantitative membrane protein expression at the blood-brain barrier of adult and younger cynomolgus monkeys. J. Pharm. Sci., 100 (9): 3939 - 3950 (2011). [106, 10.62, 97%]
  40. Ito S, Ohtsuki S, Nezu Y, Koitabashi Y, Murata S, T. Terasaki, 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 enhances cerebral clearance of human amyloid-beta peptide(1-40) from mouse brain across the blood-brain barrier. Fluids Barriers CNS, 8: 20 (2011). [54, 2.57, 94%]
  41. Sadiq MW, Borgs A, Okura T, Shimomura K, Kato S, Deguchi Y, Jansson B, Bjorkman S, T. Terasaki, Hammarlund-Udenaes M., Diphenhydramine active uptake at the blood-brain barrier and its interaction with oxycodone in vitro and in vivo. J Pharm Sci., 100 (9): 3912 - 3923 (2011). [48, 2.36, 91%].
  42. Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Kamiie J and T. Terasaki, Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) pharmacoproteomics (PPx): Reconstruction of in vivo brain distribution of 11 P-glycoprotein substrates based on the BBB transporter protein concentration, in vitro intrinsic transport activity, and unbound fraction in plasma and brain in mice. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 339 (2): 579-588 (2011). [56, 3.19, 95%]
  43. Agarwal S, Uchida Y, Mittapalli RK, Sane R, T. Terasaki, Elmquist WF, Quantitative Proteomics of Transporter Expression in Brain Capillary Endothelial Cells Isolated from P-gp, Bcrp, and P-gp/Bcrp Knockout Mice. Drug Metab. Dispos., 40(6):1164-1169 (2012). [80, 7.87, 98%].
  44. Kazuki Y, Kobayashi K, Aueviriyavit S, Oshima T, Kuroiwa Y, Tsukazaki Y, Senda N, Kawakami H, Ohtsuki S, Abe S, Takiguchi M, Hoshiya H, Kajitani N, Takehara S, Kubo K, T. Terasaki, Chiba K, Tomizuka K, Oshimura M. Trans-chromosomic mice containing a human CYP3A cluster for prediction of xenobiotic metabolism in humans. Hum Mol Genet., 22(3):578-592 (2013). [36, 2.08, 91%]
  45. Devi TS, Hosoya KI, T. Terasaki, Singh LP., Critical role of TXNIP in oxidative stress, DNA damage and retinal pericyte apoptosis under high glucose: Implications for diabeticretinopathy. Exp Cell Res., 19(7):1001-1012 (2013). [40, 1.39, 90%].
  46. Hoshi Y., Uchida Y., Tachikawa M, Inoue T., Ohtsuki S. and T. Terasaki, Quantitative atlas of blood?brain barrier transporters, receptors, and tight junction proteins in rats and common marmoset. J Pharm Sci., 102 (9): 3343 - 3355 (2013). [76, 8.25, 98%]
  47. Sakamoto A., Matsumaru T., Yamamura N., Uchida Y., Tachikawa M., Ohtsuki S. and T. Terasaki, Quantitative Expression of Human Drug Transporter Proteins in Lung Tissues: Analysis of Regional, Gender and Inter-individual differences by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. J Pharm Sci., 102 (9): 3395 - 3406 (2013). [37, 4.12, 92%]
  48. Kaneko Y., Tachikawa M., Akaogi R., Fujimoto K., Ishibashi M., Uchida Y., Couraud P.O., Ohtsuki S., Hosoya K., Terasaki T., Contribution of pannexin 1 and connexin 43 hemichannels to extracellular calcium-dependent transport dynamics in human blood?brain barrier endothelial cells. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 353(1): 192-200 (2015). [21, 2.50, 91%]
  49. Sakamoto A., Matsumaru T., Yamamura N., Suzuki S., Uchida Y., Tachikawa M., and Terasaki T., Drug transporter protein quantification of immortalized human lung cell lines derived from tracheo-bronchial epithelial cells (Calu-3 and BEAS2-B), bronchiolar-alveolar cells (NCI-H292 and NCI-H441) and alveolar type II-like cells (A549) by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Pharm Sci., 104(9): 3029 - 3038 (2015). [19, 3.17, 91%]
  50. Kubo Y., Ohtsuki S., Uchida Y. and Terasaki T., Quantitative determination of luminal and abluminal membrane distributions of transporters in porcine brain capillaries by plasma membrane fractionation and quantitative targeted proteomics. J Pharm Sci., 104(9): 3060 - 3068 (2015). [26, 4.22, 94%]
  51. Uchida Y, Zhang Z, Tachikawa M and Terasaki T., Quantitative Targeted Absolute Proteomics of Rat Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier Transporters: Comparison with a Human Specimen, J Neurochem., 134(6):1104-1115 (2015). [22, 2.06, 93%]
  52. Nakamura K, Hirayama M, Ito S, Yoneyama T, Obuchi W, Terasaki T., Ohtsuki S, Large-scale multiplex absolute protein quantification of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters in human intestine, liver and kidney microsomes by SWATH-MS: comparison with MRM/SRM and HR-MRM/PRM, Proteomics, 16(15-16): 2106 - 2117 (2016). [26, 3.95, 97%]
  53. Miyauchi E, Tachikawa M, Decleves X, Uchida Y, Bouillot JL, Poitou C, Oppert JM, Mouly S, Bergmann JF, Terasaki T., Scherrmann JM, Lloret-Linares C. Quantitative atlas of cytochrome P450, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, and transporter proteins in jejunum of morbidly obese subjects. Mol Pharm. 13(8): 2631 - 2640 (2016). [12, 2.63, 92%].
  54. Yoneyama T, Ohtsuki S, Honda K, Kobayashi M, Iwasaki M, Uchida Y, Okusaka T, Nakamori S, Shimahara M, Ueno T, Tsuchida A, Sata N, Ioka T, Yasunami Y, Kosuge T, Kaneda T, Kato T, Yagihara K, Fujita S, Huang W, Yamada T, Tachikawa M and Terasaki T., Identification of IGFBP2 and IGFBP3 as Compensatory Biomarkers for CA19-9 in Early-Stage Pancreatic Cancer Using a Combination of Antibody-based and LC-MS/MS-based Proteomics. PLoS One, 11(8): e0161009. (2016) [20, 3.97, 97% ]
  55. Ochiai Y, Uchida Y, Ohtsuki S, Tachikawa M, Aizawa S, Terasaki T., The blood-brain barrier fatty acid transport protein 1 (FATP1/SLC27A1) supplies docosahexaenoic acid to the brain, and insulin facilitates transport, J Neurochem., 141(3):400-412 (2017). [11, 3.17, 90%]

Scientific Correspondence

  1. Yoshikawa A, Nakada M, Ohtsuki S, Hayashi Y, Obuchi W, Sato Y, Ikeda C, Watanabe T, Kawahara Y, Hasegawa T, Sabit H, Kita D, Hayashi Y, Nakanuma Y, Terasaki T and Hamada J, Recurrent anaplastic meningioma treated by sunitinib based on the absolute quantitative proteomics. Neuropath. Appl. Neurobiol., 38(1):105-110 (2012). [10, 3.67, 91%]

Study Protocol

  1. Uchida Y., Tachikawa M., Obuchi W., Hoshi Y., Tomioka Y., Ohtsuki S., Terasaki T., A Study Protocol for Quantitative Targeted Absolute Proteomics (QTAP) by LC-MS/MS: Application for Inter-Strain Differences in Protein Expression Levels of Transporters, Receptors, Claudin-5, and Marker Proteins at the Blood-Brain Barrier in ddY, FVB, and C57BL/6J mice. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, 10(1):21 (2013). [78, 3.95, 98%]


  1. S Ohtsuki, S Ito and T Terasaki, Is P-glycoprotein Involved in Amyloid-β Elimination Across the Blood?Brain Barrier in Alzheimer’s Disease?, Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 88(4):443-445 (2010). [13, 2.91, 91%]
  2. Ehrhardt C, Backman P, Couet W, Edwards C, Forbes B, Friden M, Gumbleton M, Hosoya K, Kato Y, Nakanishi T, Takano M, Terasaki T, Yumoto R, Current progress toward a better understanding of drug disposition within the lungs: summary proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Drug Transporters in the Lungs, J. Pharm. Sci., 106(9): 2234 - 2244 (2017). [5, 9.2, 90%].


  1. Terasaki T, Pardridge, W.M., Preface: Targeted drug delivery to the brain (blood-brain barrier, efflux, endothelium, biological transport), J. Drug Targeting, 8(6), 353-355 (2000).(17, FWCI=15.33).

Review article

  1. H. Suzuki, T Terasaki and Y. Sugiyama, Role of efflux transport across the blood-brain barrier and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier on the disposition of xenobiotics in the central nervous system. Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev., 25: 257-285 (1997). [75, 11.89, 92%]
  2. T Terasaki, S. Ohtsuki, S. Hori, H. Takanaga, E. Nakashima, K. Hosoya, New approaches to in vitro models of blood-brain barrier drug transport. Drug Discovery Today, 8: 944-954 (2003) [135, 2.95, 90%]
  3. S. Ohtsuki, T Terasaki, Contribution of carrier-mediated transport systems to the blood-brain barrier as a supporting and protecting interface for the brain; importance for CNS drug discovery and development. Pharm. Res., 24: 1745-1757 (2007). (As an invited review for the special theme issue) [254, 5.34, 97%]
  4. S. Ohtsuki, Y. Uchida, Y. Kubo and T Terasaki, Quantitative targeted absolute proteomics-based ADME research as a new path to drug discovery and development: Methodology, Advantages, Strategy and Prospects. J. Pharm. Sci., 100 (9): 3547 - 3559 (2011). [86, 4.09, 93%]
