


脂肪燃焼を促進する人工受容体の開発 -細胞の情報伝達に立脚した創薬手法論の開拓へ- (2023年8月21日, Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy誌掲載)
バセドウ病の鑑別診断のための体外診断用医薬品の共同開発 (2023年6月19日)
GPCR作動薬による新規の受容体活性化機構の解明 (2023年6月08日, Nature誌掲載)
COVID-19治療薬の副作用の仕組みを解明 -受容体経路を抑制することで副作用改善の可能性- (2023年5月16日, Communications Biology誌掲載)
自己免疫疾患に関わるシグナル複合体の立体構造を解明 ~ 脂質受容体に対する創薬開発に貢献 ~ (2023年2月28日, Nature Communication誌掲載)
受容体のシグナル伝達機構の多様性に迫る―シグナル伝達を緻密に制御した薬の開発に期待 ― (2023年2月13日, Communication Biology誌掲載)
温度・化学刺激を感知するタンパク質の測定技術の開発―TRP チャネルを標的とした創薬に貢献― (2023年2月08日, PLoS ONE誌掲載)
細胞の情報伝達のオンオフを切り替える脂質分子 ―細胞内取り込み因子アレスチンが受容体に結合する第二の機構の発見― (2022年11月11日, Cell誌掲載)
神経ペプチドの受容体 GPCR の立体構造の解明 (2022年8月17日, PLOS BIOLOGY誌掲載)
骨代謝に関わるPTH1受容体のシグナル伝達複合体を可視化 ―安全性の高い効果的な骨粗しょう症治療薬の合理的設計に貢献― (2022年8月09日, Molecular Cell誌(オンライン版)掲載)
〜副作用を切り分けた GPCR 作動薬の開発に貢献〜
(2022年2月10日, Nature Communications誌掲載)
多発性硬化症治療薬が作用する受容体の構造基盤を解明 〜副作用の少ない安全性の高い薬剤の開発に貢献〜 (2021年12月24日, Nature Chemical Biology誌掲載)
振動分光法を駆使した薬剤効能測定法の開発 ~アセチルコリン受容体を標的とした神経疾患の治療薬開発への期待~ (2021年12月01日, Communications Biology誌掲載) NEW!
非典型的な7回膜貫通型受容体のシグナル伝達経路を解明 (2021年10月01日, Molecular Cell誌掲載) NEW!
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最後に残された β アドレナリン受容体の立体構造を解明 〜副作用の少ない β アドレナリン受容体標的薬の創製に貢献へ〜 (2021年7月27日, Molecular Cell誌掲載)
脂質受容体の新たな活性化機構を解明 ―脂質がまっすぐ伸びて活性化― (2021年6月10日, Science Advances誌掲載) 
シグナル情報伝達を担うRNA由来の液性因子を発見 -炎症疾患の新たな核酸医薬開発に期待- (2021年1月20日, Molecular Cell誌掲載)
統合失調症に関わるドパミン受容体の構造解明 ―副作用を抑えた薬の迅速な探索・設計が可能に― (2020年12月23日, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology誌掲載) 
精神疾患に関わるPAC1受容体のシグナル伝達複合体を可視化 (2020年3月10日, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology誌掲載) 
分子の立体構造が明らかにする血圧調節の仕組み ―少しの違いで大違い― (2020年1月17日, Structure誌掲載) 
痛覚制御や血圧制御、薬物依存等に関与する受容体膜タンパク質、 ニューロテンシン受容体による G タンパク質活性化機構の解明 (2019年6月27日, Nature誌掲載)
細胞表面の情報センサーの基本原理を解明 ―センサータンパク質に作用するくすりの開発に貢献―  (2019年5月31日, Cell誌掲載)
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肺動脈性肺高血圧症の治療薬ボセンタンの作用機構を解明  (2017年8月17日, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology誌掲載)
脂質分子LPAを受容する膜受容体の構造を解明 ―乏毛症やがん治療薬の創出につながる基盤情報が明らかに―  (2017年8月10日, Nature誌掲載)
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Chemogenetic activation of G(12) signaling enhances adipose tissue browning

Ono Y Ito R Arai K Singh G Saitoh T Russell RB Raimondi F Aoki J Sakai J Inoue A.
Signal Transduct Target Ther   (2023).

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Molecular insights into intrinsic transducer-coupling bias in the CXCR4-CXCR7 system

Sarma P Carino CMC Seetharama D Pandey S Dwivedi-Agnihotri H Rui X Cao Y Kawakami K Kumari P Chen YC Luker KE Yadav PN Luker GD Laporte SA Chen X Inoue A Shukla AK.
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Transcriptome Profiling of Anhidrotic Eccrine Sweat Glands Reveals that Olfactory Receptors on Eccrine Sweat Glands Regulate Perspiration in a Ligand-Dependent Manner

Murayama N Miyaki T Okuzaki D Shibata Y Koji T Inoue A Aoki J Hayashi H Tanaka Y Murota H.
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GPCRome-wide analysis of G-protein-coupling diversity using a computational biology approach

Matic M Miglionico P Tatsumi M Inoue A Raimondi F.
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Structural basis of CXC chemokine receptor 1 ligand binding and activation

Ishimoto N Park JH Kawakami K Tajiri M Mizutani K Akashi S Tame JRH Inoue A Park SY.
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A(2B) adenosine receptor activation and modulation by protein kinase C

Gao ZG Levitan IM Inoue A Wei Q Jacobson KA.
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Isosteric Replacement of Ester Linkage of Lysophospholipids with Heteroaromatic Rings Retains Potency and Subtype Selectivity

Ikubo M Uwamizu A Chen L Nakamura S Sayama M Kawana H Otani Y Kano K Inoue A Aoki J Ohwada T.
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Stabilization of pre-existing neurotensin receptor conformational states by β-arrestin-1 and the biased allosteric modulator ML314

Bumbak F Bower JB Zemmer SC Inoue A Pons M Paniagua JC Yan F Ford J Wu H Robson SA Bathgate RAD Scott DJ Gooley PR Ziarek JJ.
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Enzyme replacement with transferrin receptor-targeted α-L-iduronidase rescues brain pathology in mucopolysaccharidosis I mice

Kida S Koshimura Y Yoden E Yoshioka A Morimoto H Imakiire A Tanaka N Tanaka S Mori A Ito J Inoue A Yamamoto R Minami K Hirato T Takahashi K Sonoda H.
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Molecular mechanism of fatty acid activation of FFAR1

Kumari P Inoue A Chapman K Lian P Rosenbaum DM.
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Activation of the urotensin-II receptor by remdesivir induces cardiomyocyte dysfunction

Ogawa A Ohira S Kato Y Ikuta T Yanagida S Mi X Ishii Y Kanda Y Nishida M Inoue A Wei FY.
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Structural basis for activation of CB1 by an endocannabinoid analog

Krishna Kumar K Robertson MJ Thadhani E Wang H Suomivuori CM Powers AS Ji L Nikas SP Dror RO Inoue A Makriyannis A Skiniotis G Kobilka B.
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Structure-affinity and structure-residence time relationships of macrocyclic Gα(q) protein inhibitors

Voss JH Crüsemann M Bartling CRO Kehraus S Inoue A König GM Strømgaard K Müller CE.
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Endocytic proteins mediating GPR15 receptor internalization provide insight into the underlying mechanisms

Deng Y Moo EV Inoue A Bräuner-Osborne H.
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Design and Synthesis of Orexin 1 Receptor-Selective Agonists

Iio K Hashimoto K Nagumo Y Amezawa M Hasegawa T Yamamoto N Kutsumura N Takeuchi K Ishikawa Y Yamamoto H Tokuda A Sato T Uchida Y Inoue A Tanimura R Yanagisawa M Nagase H Saitoh T.
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Function and dynamics of the intrinsically disordered carboxyl terminus of β2 adrenergic receptor

Heng J Hu Y Pérez-Hernández G Inoue A Zhao J Ma X Sun X Kawakami K Ikuta T Ding J Yang Y Zhang L Peng S Niu X Li H Guixà-González R Jin C Hildebrand PW Chen C Kobilka BK.
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Phosphorylation barcodes direct biased chemokine signaling at CXCR3

Eiger DS Smith JS Shi T Stepniewski TM Tsai CF Honeycutt C Boldizsar N Gardner J Nicora CD Moghieb AM Kawakami K Choi I Hicks C Zheng K Warman A Alagesan P Knape NM Huang O Silverman JD Smith RD Inoue A Selent J Jacobs JM Rajagopal S.
Cell Chem Biol   (2023).

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Migration mediated by the oxysterol receptor GPR183 depends on arrestin coupling but not receptor internalization

Kjær VMS Daugvilaite V Stepniewski TM Madsen CM Jørgensen AS Bhuskute KR Inoue A Ulven T Benned-Jensen T Hjorth SA Hjortø GM Moo EV Selent J Rosenkilde MM.
Sci Signal   (2023).

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Phosphorylation barcodes direct biased chemokine signaling at CXCR3

Eiger DS Smith JS Shi T Stepniewski TM Tsai CF Honeycutt C Boldizsar N Gardner J Nicora CD Moghieb AM Kawakami K Choi I Zheng K Warman A Alagesan P Knape NM Huang O Silverman JD Smith RD Inoue A Selent J Jacobs JM Rajagopal S.
bioRxiv   (2023).

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Exploration of LPS(2) agonist binding modes using the combination of a new hydrophobic scaffold and homology modeling

Chen L Uwamizu A Sayama M Kano K Otani Y Kondo S Inoue A Aoki J Ohwada T.
Eur J Med Chem   (2023).

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Structural basis of lysophosphatidylserine receptor GPR174 ligand recognition and activation

Liang J Inoue A Ikuta T Xia R Wang N Kawakami K Xu Z Qian Y Zhu X Zhang A Guo C Huang Z He Y.
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Correction to: Novel interaction between neurotrophic factor-α1/carboxypeptidase E and serotonin receptor, 5-HTR1E, protects human neurons against oxidative/neuroexcitotoxic stress via β-arrestin/ERK signaling

Sharma VK Yang X Kim SK Mafi A Saiz-Sanchez D Villanueva-Anguita P Xiao L Inoue A Goddard WA 3rd Loh YP Toulabi L.
Cell Mol Life Sci   (2023).

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Identification and Functional Characterization of Fungal Chalcone Synthase and Chalcone Isomerase

Furumura S Ozaki T Sugawara A Morishita Y Tsukada K Ikuta T Inoue A Asai T.
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Generation of Gαi knock-out HEK293 cells illuminates Gαi-coupling diversity of GPCRs

Ono Y Kawakami K Nakamura G Ishida S Aoki J Inoue A.
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Structural and dynamic insights into supra-physiological activation and allosteric modulation of a muscarinic acetylcholine receptor

Xu J Wang Q Hübner H Hu Y Niu X Wang H Maeda S Inoue A Tao Y Gmeiner P Du Y Jin C Kobilka BK.
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Ligands selectively tune the local and global motions of neurotensin receptor 1 (NTS(1))

Bumbak F Pons M Inoue A Paniagua JC Yan F Wu H Robson SA Bathgate RAD Scott DJ Gooley PR Ziarek JJ.
Cell Rep   (2023).

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Ectodomain shedding of EGFR ligands serves as an activation readout for TRP channels

Tatsumi M Kishi T Ishida S Kawana H Uwamizu A Ono Y Kawakami K Aoki J Inoue A.
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Potential of HMGB-inhibitory oligodeoxynucleotide ISM ODN to neutrophil recruitment in mouse model of hepatitis

Inoue A Chiba S Eto S Taniguchi T Yanai H.
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Medium-chain fatty acids suppress lipotoxicity-induced hepatic fibrosis via the immunomodulating receptor GPR84

Ohue-Kitano R Nonaka H Nishida A Masujima Y Takahashi D Ikeda T Uwamizu A Tanaka M Kohjima M Igarashi M Katoh H Tanaka T Inoue A Suganami T Hase K Ogawa Y Aoki J Kimura I.
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Constitutively active GPR43 is crucial for proper leukocyte differentiation

Miyasato S Iwata K Mura R Nakamura S Yanagida K Shindou H Nagata Y Kawahara M Yamaguchi S Aoki J Inoue A Nagamune T Shimizu T Nakamura M.
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Insights into distinct signaling profiles of the µOR activated by diverse agonists

Qu Q Huang W Aydin D Paggi JM Seven AB Wang H Chakraborty S Che T DiBerto JF Robertson MJ Inoue A Suomivuori CM Roth BL Majumdar S Dror RO Kobilka BK Skiniotis G.
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Antagonist of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3 reduces cold injury of rat donor hearts for transplantation

Kanemitsu E Zhao X Iwaisako K Inoue A Takeuchi A Yagi S Masumoto H Ohara H Hosokawa M Awaya T Aoki J Hatano E Uemoto S Hagiwara M.
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Control of Gα(q) signaling dynamics and GPCR cross-talk by GRKs

Xiang G Acosta-Ruiz A Radoux-Mergault A Kristt M Kim J Moon JD Broichhagen J Inoue A Lee FS Stoeber M Dittman JS Levitz J.
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How Carvedilol activates β(2)-adrenoceptors

Benkel T Zimmermann M Zeiner J Bravo S Merten N Lim VJY Matthees ESF Drube J Miess-Tanneberg E Malan D Szpakowska M Monteleone S Grimes J Koszegi Z Lanoiselée Y O'Brien S Pavlaki N Dobberstein N Inoue A Nikolaev V Calebiro D Chevigné A Sasse P Schulz S Hoffmann C Kolb P Waldhoer M Simon K Gomeza J Kostenis E.
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Membrane phosphoinositides regulate GPCR-β-arrestin complex assembly and dynamics

Janetzko J Kise R Barsi-Rhyne B Siepe DH Heydenreich FM Kawakami K Masureel M Maeda S Garcia KC von Zastrow M Inoue A Kobilka BK.
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Enhanced membrane binding of oncogenic G protein αqQ209L confers resistance to inhibitor YM-254890

Randolph CE Dwyer MB Aumiller JL Dixon AJ Inoue A Osei-Owusu P Wedegaertner PB.
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β-arrestin1 and 2 exhibit distinct phosphorylation-dependent conformations when coupling to the same GPCR in living cells

Haider RS Matthees ESF Drube J Reichel M Zabel U Inoue A Chevigné A Krasel C Deupi X Hoffmann C.
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Structural insights into the G protein selectivity revealed by the human EP3-G(i) signaling complex

Suno R Sugita Y Morimoto K Takazaki H Tsujimoto H Hirose M Suno-Ikeda C Nomura N Hino T Inoue A Iwasaki K Kato T Iwata S Kobayashi T.
Cell Rep   (2022).

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Functional rewiring of G protein-coupled receptor signaling in human labor

Walker AR Larsen CB Kundu S Stavrinidis C Kim SH Inoue A Woodward DF Lee YS Migale R MacIntyre DA Terzidou V Fanelli F Khanjani S Bennett PR Hanyaloglu AC.
Cell Rep   (2022).

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Allosteric modulation of GPCR-induced β-arrestin trafficking and signaling by a synthetic intrabody

Baidya M Chaturvedi M Dwivedi-Agnihotri H Ranjan A Devost D Namkung Y Stepniewski TM Pandey S Baruah M Panigrahi B Sarma P Yadav MK Maharana J Banerjee R Kawakami K Inoue A Selent J Laporte SA Hébert TE Shukla AK.
Nat Commun   (2022).

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Endogenous ligand recognition and structural transition of a human PTH receptor

Kobayashi K Kawakami K Kusakizako T Miyauchi H Tomita A Kobayashi K Shihoya W Yamashita K Nishizawa T Kato HE Inoue A Nureki O.
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Structure of the human galanin receptor 2 bound to galanin and Gq reveals the basis of ligand specificity and how binding affects the G-protein interface

Heo Y Ishimoto N Jeon YE Yun JH Ohki M Anraku Y Sasaki M Kita S Fukuhara H Ikuta T Kawakami K Inoue A Maenaka K Tame JRH Lee W Park SY.
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Michaelis-Menten Quantification of Ligand Signaling Bias Applied to the Promiscuous Vasopressin V2 Receptor

Heydenreich FM Plouffe B Rizk A Milić D Zhou J Breton B Le Gouill C Inoue A Bouvier M Veprintsev DB.
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Effect of Ligands and Transducers on the Neurotensin Receptor 1 Conformational Ensemble

Dixon AD Inoue A Robson SA Culhane KJ Trinidad JC Sivaramakrishnan S Bumbak F Ziarek JJ.
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PRECOGx: exploring GPCR signaling mechanisms with deep protein representations

Matic M Singh G Carli F De Oliveira Rosa N Miglionico P Magni L Gutkind JS Russell RB Inoue A Raimondi F.
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An intrabody sensor to monitor conformational activation of β-arrestins

Dwivedi-Agnihotri H Sarma P Deeksha S Kawakami K Inoue A Shukla AK.
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Agonist-Dependent Coupling of the Promiscuous Adenosine A(2B) Receptor to Gα Protein Subunits

Voss JH Mahardhika AB Inoue A Müller CE.
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Abnormal male reproduction and embryonic development induced by downregulation of a phospholipid fatty acid-introducing enzyme Lpgat1 in zebrafish

Shibata T Kawana H Nishino Y Ito Y Sato H Onishi H Kano K Inoue A Taketomi Y Murakami M Kofuji S Nishina H Miyazawa A Kono N Aoki J.
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Activation and allosteric regulation of the orphan GPR88-Gi1 signaling complex

Chen G Xu J Inoue A Schmidt MF Bai C Lu Q Gmeiner P Liu Z Du Y.
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Cryo-EM structures of the β(3) adrenergic receptor bound to solabegron and isoproterenol

Nureki I Kobayashi K Tanaka T Demura K Inoue A Shihoya W Nureki O.
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GPCR-mediated β-arrestin activation deconvoluted with single-molecule precision

Asher WB Terry DS Gregorio GGA Kahsai AW Borgia A Xie B Modak A Zhu Y Jang W Govindaraju A Huang LY Inoue A Lambert NA Gurevich VV Shi L Lefkowitz RJ Blanchard SC Javitch JA.
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OZITX, a pertussis toxin-like protein for occluding inhibitory G protein signalling including Gα(z)

Keen AC Pedersen MH Lemel L Scott DJ Canals M Littler DR Beddoe T Ono Y Shi L Inoue A Javitch JA Lane JR.
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Biased agonists of the chemokine receptor CXCR3 differentially signal through Gα(i):β-arrestin complexes

Zheng K Smith JS Eiger DS Warman A Choi I Honeycutt CC Boldizsar N Gundry JN Pack TF Inoue A Caron MG Rajagopal S.
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Common coupling map advances GPCR-G protein selectivity

Hauser AS Avet C Normand C Mancini A Inoue A Bouvier M Gloriam DE.
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Secreted phospholipase A(2) modifies extracellular vesicles and accelerates B cell lymphoma

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Phenotypic evaluation of constitutive GPCR/G-protein signaling in zebrafish embryos and larvae

Shibata T Kawakami K Kawana H Aoki J Inoue A.
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Lateral access mechanism of LPA receptor probed by molecular dynamics simulation

Suenaga R Takemoto M Inoue A Ishitani R Nureki O.
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Heterotrimeric Gq proteins act as a switch for GRK5/6 selectivity underlying β-arrestin transducer bias

Kawakami K Yanagawa M Hiratsuka S Yoshida M Ono Y Hiroshima M Ueda M Aoki J Sako Y Inoue A.
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Author Correction: Structural basis of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 activation and biased agonism

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Structural basis of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 activation and biased agonism

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Synthesis of unnatural morphinan compounds to induce itch-like behaviors in mice: Towards the development of MRGPRX2 selective ligands

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Phenylalanine 193 in Extracellular Loop 2 of the β (2)-Adrenergic Receptor Coordinates β-Arrestin Interaction

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Vibrational spectroscopy analysis of ligand efficacy in human M(2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M(2)R)

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Label-Free Investigations on the G Protein Dependent Signaling Pathways of Histamine Receptors

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Unraveling binding mechanism and kinetics of macrocyclic Gα(q) protein inhibitors

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Cryo-EM structure of the human MT(1)-G(i) signaling complex

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Cryo-EM structure of the β3-adrenergic receptor reveals the molecular basis of subtype selectivity

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Receptor Activity-Modifying Protein 2 (RAMP2) alters glucagon receptor trafficking in hepatocytes with functional effects on receptor signalling

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Switching Lysophosphatidylserine G Protein-Coupled Receptor Agonists to Antagonists by Acylation of the Hydrophilic Serine Amine

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Extracellular succinate hyperpolarizes M2 macrophages through SUCNR1/GPR91-mediated Gq signaling

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Endogenous agonist-bound S1PR3 structure reveals determinants of G protein-subtype bias

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Heterogeneity of G protein activation by the calcium-sensing receptor

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A novel luminescence-based β-arrestin recruitment assay for unmodified receptors

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An experimental strategy to probe Gq contribution to signal transduction in living cells

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Design and Characterization of an Intracellular Covalent Ligand for CC Chemokine Receptor 2

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S1PR3-G(12)-biased agonist ALESIA targets cancer metabolism and promotes glucose starvation

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Noncanonical scaffolding of G(αi) and β-arrestin by G protein-coupled receptors

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Structure of the dopamine D(2) receptor in complex with the antipsychotic drug spiperone

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Foxp3-Positive Regulatory T Cells Contribute to Antifibrotic Effects in Renal Fibrosis via an Interleukin-18 Receptor Signaling Pathway

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CXCR7: a β-arrestin-biased receptor that potentiates cell migration and recruits β-arrestin2 exclusively through Gβγ subunits and GRK2

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Advanced fluorescence microscopy reveals disruption of dynamic CXCR4 dimerization by subpocket-specific inverse agonists

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The Effectiveness and Retention Rate of Iguratimod in Japanese Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with/without Methotrexate in Daily Medical Care

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GPR101 drives growth hormone hypersecretion and gigantism in mice via constitutive activation of G(s) and G(q/11)

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Internalization-Dependent Free Fatty Acid Receptor 2 Signaling Is Essential for Propionate-Induced Anorectic Gut Hormone Release

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Agonist-induced formation of unproductive receptor-G(12) complexes

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Publisher Correction: G12/13 is activated by acute tethered agonist exposure in the adhesion GPCR ADGRL3

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Non-naturally Occurring Regio Isomer of Lysophosphatidylserine Exhibits Potent Agonistic Activity toward G Protein-Coupled Receptors

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G12/13 is activated by acute tethered agonist exposure in the adhesion GPCR ADGRL3

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Delineation of molecular determinants for FR900359 inhibition of G(q/11) unlocks inhibition of Gα(s)

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Structural insights into differences in G protein activation by family A and family B GPCRs

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Key phosphorylation sites in GPCRs orchestrate the contribution of β-Arrestin 1 in ERK1/2 activation

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G(q/11)-dependent regulation of endosomal cAMP generation by parathyroid hormone class B GPCR

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Cryo-EM structure of the human PAC1 receptor coupled to an engineered heterotrimeric G protein

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Membrane Phospholipid Analogues as Molecular Rulers to Probe the Position of the Hydrophobic Contact Point of Lysophospholipid Ligands on the Surface of G-Protein-Coupled Receptor during Membrane Approach

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Structural insight into small molecule action on Frizzleds

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Activation of the GLP-1 receptor by a non-peptidic agonist

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The Crystal Structure of Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptor with Endogenous Peptide Hormone

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Efficacy of iguratimod vs. salazosulfapyridine as the first-line csDMARD for rheumatoid arthritis

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Rare, functional, somatic variants in gene families linked to cancer genes: GPCR signaling as a paradigm

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Conformational transitions of a neurotensin receptor 1-G(i1) complex

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Illuminating the Onco-GPCRome: Novel G protein-coupled receptor-driven oncocrine networks and targets for cancer immunotherapy

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Illuminating G-Protein-Coupling Selectivity of GPCRs

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An accurate and versatile method for determining the acyl group-introducing position of lysophospholipid acyltransferases

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Molecular mechanism of lysophosphatidic acid-induced hypertensive response

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Rational design of a heterotrimeric G protein α subunit with artificial inhibitor sensitivity

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Structures of the 5-HT(2A) receptor in complex with the antipsychotics risperidone and zotepine

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Konjac ceramide (kCer) regulates keratinocyte migration by Sema3A-like repulsion mechanism

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Peptidyl arginine deiminase inhibition suppresses arthritis via decreased protein citrullination in joints and serum with the downregulation of interleukin-6

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Prediction of therapeutic responses with ultrasonography in RA patients treated with an anti-TNF drug: a retrospective cohort study

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Infliximab dose adjustment can improve the clinical and radiographic outcomes of rheumatoid arthritis patients: REVIVE study results

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Crystal structures of human ET(B) receptor provide mechanistic insight into receptor activation and partial activation

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BRET-based assay to monitor EGFR transactivation by the AT(1)R reveals G(q/11) protein-independent activation and AT(1)R-EGFR complexes

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Stepwise phosphorylation of leukotriene B(4) receptor 1 defines cellular responses to leukotriene B(4)

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The LPA(2) receptor agonist Radioprotectin-1 spares Lgr5-positive intestinal stem cells from radiation injury in murine enteroids

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Neuromedin U directly induces degranulation of skin mast cells, presumably via MRGPRX2

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Novel chemical compound SINCRO with dual function in STING-type I interferon and tumor cell death pathways

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Revisiting the role of IRF3 in inflammation and immunity by conditional and specifically targeted gene ablation in mice

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Targeting GLP-1 receptor trafficking to improve agonist efficacy

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Identification of novel biomarker as citrullinated inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 4, specifically increased in sera with experimental and rheumatoid arthritis

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Genome Editing Provides New Insights into Receptor-Controlled Signalling Pathways

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Mini G protein probes for active G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in live cells

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AP2σ Mutations Impair Calcium-Sensing Receptor Trafficking and Signaling, and Show an Endosomal Pathway to Spatially Direct G-Protein Selectivity

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Human GIP(3-30)NH(2) inhibits G protein-dependent as well as G protein-independent signaling and is selective for the GIP receptor with high-affinity binding to primate but not rodent GIP receptors

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Lack of beta-arrestin signaling in the absence of active G proteins

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Receptor- and cellular compartment-specific activation of the cAMP/PKA pathway by α(1)-adrenergic and ETA endothelin receptors

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The 17,18-epoxyeicosatetraenoic acid-G protein-coupled receptor 40 axis ameliorates contact hypersensitivity by inhibiting neutrophil mobility in mice and cynomolgus macaques

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On the G protein-coupling selectivity of the native A(2B) adenosine receptor

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G protein-dependent signaling triggers a β-arrestin-scaffolded p70S6K/ rpS6 module that controls 5'TOP mRNA translation

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A single extracellular amino acid in Free Fatty Acid Receptor 2 defines antagonist species selectivity and G protein selection bias

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Lysophosphatidylserine suppresses IL-2 production in CD4 T cells through LPS(3)/GPR174

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Genetic variants affecting equivalent protein family positions reflect human diversity

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X-ray structures of endothelin ET(B) receptor bound to clinical antagonist bosentan and its analog

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Structural insights into ligand recognition by the lysophosphatidic acid receptor LPA(6)

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Probing the Hydrophobic Binding Pocket of G-Protein-Coupled Lysophosphatidylserine Receptor GPR34/LPS(1) by Docking-Aided Structure-Activity Analysis

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Genetic evidence that β-arrestins are dispensable for the initiation of β(2)-adrenergic receptor signaling to ERK

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Autotaxin-lysophosphatidic acid-LPA(3) signaling at the embryo-epithelial boundary controls decidualization pathways

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Conformational biosensors reveal allosteric interactions between heterodimeric AT1 angiotensin and prostaglandin F2α receptors

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C-X-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 3 Splice Variants Differentially Activate Beta-Arrestins to Regulate Downstream Signaling Pathways

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Differential manipulation of arrestin-3 binding to basal and agonist-activated G protein-coupled receptors

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Epidermal loss of Gαq confers a migratory and differentiation defect in keratinocytes

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Purinergic Receptor Transactivation by the β(2)-Adrenergic Receptor Increases Intracellular Ca(2+) in Nonexcitable Cells

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Distinct conformations of GPCR-β-arrestin complexes mediate desensitization, signaling, and endocytosis

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Conformational Profiling of the AT1 Angiotensin II Receptor Reflects Biased Agonism, G Protein Coupling, and Cellular Context

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Knockin mouse with mutant Gα(11) mimics human inherited hypocalcemia and is rescued by pharmacologic inhibitors

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Identification and pharmacological characterization of succinate receptor agonists

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Proliferation of mouse endometrial stromal cells in culture is highly sensitive to lysophosphatidic acid signaling

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Genetic Variations in the Human G Protein-coupled Receptor Class C, Group 6, Member A (GPRC6A) Control Cell Surface Expression and Function

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1-Fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and its derivatives act as secretagogues on rodent mast cells

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Identification of lysophosphatidylthreonine with an aromatic fatty acid surrogate as a potent inducer of mast cell degranulation

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TIARP attenuates autoantibody-mediated arthritis via the suppression of neutrophil migration by reducing CXCL2/CXCR2 and IL-6 expression

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The innate immune receptor Dectin-2 mediates the phagocytosis of cancer cells by Kupffer cells for the suppression of liver metastasis

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Targeted Elimination of G Proteins and Arrestins Defines Their Specific Contributions to Both Intensity and Duration of G Protein-coupled Receptor Signaling

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Ligand-Dependent Modulation of G Protein Conformation Alters Drug Efficacy

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Conformational Constraint of the Glycerol Moiety of Lysophosphatidylserine Affords Compounds with Receptor Subtype Selectivity

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ATX-LPA1 axis contributes to proliferation of chondrocytes by regulating fibronectin assembly leading to proper cartilage formation

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A G Protein-biased Designer G Protein-coupled Receptor Useful for Studying the Physiological Relevance of Gq/11-dependent Signaling Pathways

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Fibroblastic reticular cell-derived lysophosphatidic acid regulates confined intranodal T-cell motility

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Blood levels of serotonin are specifically correlated with plasma lysophosphatidylserine among the glycero-lysophospholipids

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The experimental power of FR900359 to study Gq-regulated biological processes

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CTRP6 is an endogenous complement regulator that can effectively treat induced arthritis

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NEURONAL DEVELOPMENT. Glycerophospholipid regulation of modality-specific sensory axon guidance in the spinal cord

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Comprehensive analysis of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor mutants during zebrafish embryogenesis

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Autotaxin overexpression causes embryonic lethality and vascular defects

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Structure-activity relationships of lysophosphatidylserine analogs as agonists of G-protein-coupled receptors GPR34, P2Y10, and GPR174

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Maternal and Zygotic Sphingosine Kinase 2 Are Indispensable for Cardiac Development in Zebrafish

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Analysis of unique mutations in the LPAR6 gene identified in a Japanese family with autosomal recessive woolly hair/hypotrichosis: Establishment of a useful assay system for LPA6

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Phosphatidylserine-specific phospholipase A1 (PS-PLA1) expression in colorectal cancer correlates with tumor invasion and hematogenous metastasis

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Detection of physiological activities of G protein-coupled receptor-acting pharmaceuticals in wastewater

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Possible involvement of minor lysophospholipids in the increase in plasma lysophosphatidic acid in acute coronary syndrome

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Lysophosphatidylserine analogues differentially activate three LysoPS receptors

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Antitumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor-induced dermatomyositis and interstitial lung disease with anti-PL12 autoantibody: signs of antisynthetase syndrome

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Separation and quantification of 2-acyl-1-lysophospholipids and 1-acyl-2-lysophospholipids in biological samples by LC-MS/MS

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Regulation of intestinal IgA responses by dietary palmitic acid and its metabolism

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Novel lysophosphoplipid receptors: their structure and function

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Regulatory roles of tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced proteins (TNFAIPs) 3 and 9 in arthritis

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Overexpression of autotaxin, a lysophosphatidic acid-producing enzyme, enhances cardia bifida induced by hypo-sphingosine-1-phosphate signaling in zebrafish embryo

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Mitochondria-type GPAT is required for mitochondrial fusion

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Activation of Invariant NKT cells with glycolipid ligand α-galactosylceramide ameliorates glucose-6-phosphate isomerase peptide-induced arthritis

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TGFα shedding assay: an accurate and versatile method for detecting GPCR activation

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Comparative histological study of hepatic architecture in the three orders amphibian livers

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Murine tumor necrosis factor α-induced adipose-related protein (tumor necrosis factor α-induced protein 9) deficiency leads to arthritis via interleukin-6 overproduction with enhanced NF-κB, STAT-3 signaling, and dysregulated apoptosis of macrophages

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Synthesis and biological evaluation of optically active Ki16425

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A missense mutation within the helix initiation motif of the keratin K71 gene underlies autosomal dominant woolly hair/hypotrichosis

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Simultaneous quantitation of sphingoid bases and their phosphates in biological samples by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry

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The β9 loop domain of PA-PLA1α has a crucial role in autosomal recessive woolly hair/hypotrichosis

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The sphingosine-1-phosphate transporter Spns2 expressed on endothelial cells regulates lymphocyte trafficking in mice

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GPR34 is a receptor for lysophosphatidylserine with a fatty acid at the sn-2 position

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Surface loops of extracellular phospholipase A(1) determine both substrate specificity and preference for lysophospholipids

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Regulation of peroxisomal lipid metabolism by catalytic activity of tumor suppressor H-rev107

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Six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of prostate4 (STEAP4) is a tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein that regulates IL-6, IL-8, and cell proliferation in synovium from patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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Altered peptide ligands inhibit arthritis induced by glucose-6-phosphate isomerase peptide

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Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced adipose-related protein expression in experimental arthritis and in rheumatoid arthritis

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Crucial role of the interleukin-6/interleukin-17 cytokine axis in the induction of arthritis by glucose-6-phosphate isomerase

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